My first Magazine project proposal (with format) | Page 43

Promotional activities Promotional activities are going to be prevalent in the whole preparatory phase, as well as during the seminar itself. A logo and identity material will be developed in partnership with the MSc programme’s partner graphics designer. All the created promotional material will be coherent with the identity and the MSc programme’s policy. A range of promotional tools will be used and all personal data will be handled and protected according to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The promotional strategy is divided in four phases, each one with a different goal setting: PHASE A - BROAD COMMUNICATION This phase is programmed early in the preparatory process of the seminar. During this phase, promotional activities will target to a broad audience. The following target groups have been identified: Active students of the MSc programme Alumni of the MSc programme Post-graduate students in partner universities Technical University of Athens, School of Humanitarian Studies, Financial University of Athens etc. Professionals working in partner organisations National School of Public Health, Hellenic Centre for Disease Control (KEELPNO), Médecins sans Frontières, Médecins du Monde, International Organisation for Migration PRAKSIS METAdrasi etc Healthcare Professional Associations National Medical Association Local Medical Association National Nursing Association Healthcare professionals working in the country’s hospitals The promotional tools utilised in this phase are the following: Media announcements The MSc programme already partners with representatives of the country’s media (television, radio). A special announcement will have its place in broadcasts of these media. Website A post (text & roll-up banner) will be placed in an eminent position in the programme’s website. Social media campaign Development of a Facebook ® like page for the seminar and frequent posts Development of an Instagram ® profile for the seminar and frequent posts Development of a Twitter ® account for the seminar and frequent posts 43