My first Magazine project proposal (with format) | Page 45

PHASE C - ONLINE REPRESENTATION This phase belongs to the execution of the seminar’s agenda, as presented above. During this phase, promotional activities will target to a broad audience. Effort will be made to create a promotional video with participants sharing live on camera their experience in Tanzania. Further posts are going to be uploaded in the social media used for the seminar, so that an effective online representation takes place. The roll-up banner (coloured, 85cm x 200cm) will be placed in the venue. Participants will carry their inventory items with them. Pictures depicting the banner and items from the participants’ inventory will be posted online during the seminar. During their presence in Tanzania participants will be asked to upload their pictures from the seminar. A strict online representation policy will be applied during the travel, so that socially and culturally responsible photo-taking is implemented. The goals in this promotional phase include spreading the word about the seminar to an audience as broad as possible. Reciprocal provisions to sponsors will be attributed in this phase, as well. PHASE D - PROMOTION AFTER RETURN This phase begins after the seminar is successfully completed. During it, promotional activities will have a festive character and will spread the news about the seminar to any interested audience. The promotional tools in this phase include: A promotional video that will be sent out to identified target groups (phase A) and sponsors. A photo collage will be created and sent to identified target groups (phase A) and sponsors. An e-mail including a letter of gratitude signed by the MSc programme’s professor will be sent to participants of the seminar and the seminar’s sponsors. Media announcements in selected partner media stations of the country. The goal of this phase is to celebrate the success of the seminar and include every collaborator in this celebration. An indicative reach-out of the social media promotional campaign is presented in the table that follows: 45