My first Magazine project proposal (with format) | Page 29
neglected diseases, and non-medical ones, such as hospital human resources management, the role
of a third grade hospital in a sub-saharan country etc.
A 2-hour long visit in the Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) will follow the lectures. Topics, such as
malaria and vector-borne diseases will be presented by the scientific personnel of the institute. The
presented scientific approaches and public health measures taken to combat epidemics are going to
stimulate vivid discussion about their similarities and differences to the ones existent in the
industrialised world. The ultimate goal of the visit is for participants to get accustomed to research
and development methodology applied in a sub-saharan African country.
Starting from the second day of the seminar, evenings will include debrief sessions.
Participants will be divided in subgroups and, in a 2-hour facilitated procedure, each
subgroup will be asked to present a case that made an impression to them during the
day. Discussion will be stimulated and emotions or relevant experiences will be shared.
A collage of recorded experiences will be created and shared with the local partners.
The second night in Tanzania is going to be relaxing and a movie projection will take place in the
TTCIH premises. It will include topics regarding life in the so-called “Black Continent”. A
facilitated discussion will follow the movie and will cover the controversy and the diversity of life
in the african continent. The resulting health issues will be raised in the discussion and a healthcare
perspective will be addressed. Participants will be asked to actively participate and to brainstorm on
possible interventions.
After their rotation in the hospital wards, participants will be taken to a tour in the
facilities of the local non-governmental organisation MSABI. During their visit to
the MSABI facilities, participants will be able to discuss with young entrepreneurs
of Africa about relevant topics, such as business and investment in Africa. The very
purpose of this visit is to brainstorm on ideas and to share best practices in
addressing global challenges included in the Sustainable Development Goals of the
Academic lectures about water and sanitation, climate change and desertification will be held in
the TTCIH facilities in advance.
For the night, a local acting group of Ifakara will be selected to deliver a special theatrical
performance for the seminar’s participants. This themed social activity aims to raise awareness
about art as means of education and expression in non-industrialised countries.
The fourth day of the seminar will be devoted to a community visit, so that
participants experience aspects of everyday life in Tanzania. After, their usual daily
presence in St. Francis Referral Hospital, participants will have an encounter with
members of the Ifakara Women Weavers’ Association. By being guided through
the association’s facilities participants will experience a women-run production
line and will be given the chance to support their effort by purchasing some of
their products.
Academic lectures regarding women’s rights and their social status in Tanzania, as well as
maternity and maternal health issues will be arranged before the visit, so that participants are
prepared for the encounter. The lectures will take place in the TTCIH facilities.
This day’s evening is optimal for participants to get a taste of the local night life. A visit to Ifakara
and a refreshment in a local pub will provide a fantastic paradigm of the local opportunities to