After graduating with a
Bachelors Degree in Food
Science and Quality Control,
D h r i s h t i r e c e i v e d a Po s t
Graduate Diploma in Applied
Nutrition and Dietetics followed
by a Masters Degree in Clinical
Nutrition & Dietetics. Holding a
dissertation in “The Incidence of
Vitamin D Deciency in Type II
Diabetic Patients” and being
more aware about the Diabetes
Tsunami, Dhrishti holds a
certicate course in Diabetes
Education from the National
Diabetes Educator Program.
She has also created awareness
on the power of eating “Whole
Grain Foods” and “Say No to
Junk Food” amongst school going
children in Mumbai. Her goal is
to make it easier for everyone
around her to eat right and well,
and get more habituated to a
healthy lifestyle.
A lot of things motivated me to
become a Nutrition educator
and counselor. Always a foodie, I
knew I wanted to make a career
related only to food. However,
which foods should I focus on
(healthy or unhealthy) was the
choice I made. Being extremely
zealous about food, nutrition and
the science of eating right, my
passion took me to exploring a lot
more about healthy foods and
there by starting my own brand
“Flab-you-less”. The name as
majority of the people out there
want to beat that Flab!!
I believe that - That anyone, no
matter what age or stage of their
life can nd health, happiness
and know how a well nourished
body feels.
MAY 2017
We help transform our clients
healthy only through nutritious
yet yummy food. Our USP: NO
Challenges faced : Making
everyone around me embracing
nutrition for good health.
What makes me more strong:
My clients getting their blood
parameters to nor mal and
transforming healthy at the end
of their journey with Flab-you-
Less. This makes me open to
accepting even more challenges.
Social Media links –
Facebook :
Instagram : abyouless
Dhrishti Bijlani
Contact : +91 9920 443 007 | Email : dhrishti@abyouless.co.in
“Those who think they have no time for
will sooner or later have to nd time for