My first Magazine May 2017 issue | Page 23

POWER OF NUTRITION FOOD GROUP : Vegetables and fruits. • Being loaded with ber , they are the best satiety foods • Low in calories • High in antioxidants and known to ght heart disease and certain cancers MAY 2017 FOOD GROUP : Fats and oils S U C H A S : B u t t e r, g h e e , cooking oils such as groundnut, mustard, sunower, sugar, jaggery NUTRIENTS IT PROVIDES : • Energy • Fat • Essential fatty acids HEALTH BENEFITS : • Certain fats are good sources of omega-3 and omega-6. • Reduce triglyceride levels and lower blood pressure • Help reduce inammation Contribute to normal functioning of foetal brain SUCH AS : All NUTRIENTS IT PROVIDES : • Fiber • Vitamin C • Calcium • Carotenoids • Antioxidants HEALTH BENEFITS : YOUR FOOD PLATE : EATING FOR HEALTH A healthy body can provide many benets. As you age, maintaining healthy habits is an important way to lower your risk for cancer, diabetes mellitus, heart disease and hypertension. Keeping all these factors in mind, and after learning about the above mentioned food groups, you would now know what all to add in your plate and what not. To make it more easier, here is what your daily food plate should look like : D O N ' T F O R G E T Y O U R DA I LY D O S E O F EXERCISE Eating right is not just enough. We all need some kind of physical activity to sum up to a healthy lifestyle. The good news is that people of all ages, shapes, sizes and abilities can benet from physical activity. The most common kinds include aerobic exercises, weight training, yoga or simply a brisk walk. Not only will this help you maintain a healthy weight, but most importantly “Make you feel good about yourself ”. DON'T FORGET, GOOD NUTRITION AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY WORK TOGETHER FOR BETTER HEALTH ! 19