MAY 2017
Final at Delhi, i simply had
awesome time n express. Most
memorable comment from
seasoned actress n an icon called
Zeenat Aman who said : let
crown be worn by anyone but for
me you are the winner. You have
your own crown which always
remains on your head.
And really i won MRS.
I love my two kids, two dogs &
I want to work & ght against
Domestic violence & for fellow
, Ketaki Jani, was born in
Ahmedabad on 10th
January, 1971 in traditional
Brahmin family. Did schooling in
mother tongue Gujarati &
nished MA, B.Ed.
Married Nitesh Jani in 1993. For
good opportunity shifted to Pune
in 1997. Blessed with daughter
in 1994 & our family was
completed with son in 1998. murmuring that some lady
committed suicide with loss of
h a i r s . Pe o p l e i n g r a b o f
sympathy were pitying me:
kaise jiyegi bichari?
It was blissful life with family &
job till 2011. Suddenly my world
was shattere d with fast loosing of
hairs. Devastated with the word
ALOPECIA. This was dieses
where hairs are lost & only
temporary medicine was
steroids. It was giving hairs back
b u t w i t h l ot of w ei g h t s &
dangerous side effects. More
painful was to face society who
was throwing arrows of
questions: is it cancer? Is your
husband t & kicking? One ne morning, I decided not
to die daily. I boldly started
moving without any scarf or wig.
And society was silenced with
In short, moving out of home was
almost impossible. Heard
Aelopecians to make their life
worthy. Women with alopecia are
neglected n ignored inhumanly.
They are forced to live worst life
in dark room with no social or
emotional contact . This is worst
kind of domestic violence. I will
ght to eradicate this
In Mrs. India worldwide
competition my participating
was just for fun. I was ready to
return back empty handed from
Mumbai round. Even here too
few participation were looking at
me with disbelief. But judges on
panel were very positive. I had
great round at Dubai with bundle
of experience and great hopes.
Ketaki Nitesh Jani
Contact : +91 99223 25926