My first Magazine Feminizine | Page 23

23 Are you a feminist? I don’t know. I believe that a lot of things should depend on each person’s capability but not on genders. I wholeheartedly believe the equal rights for women, but I am still unsure of this answer. I think women are better at some things. What’s your feminist idea? Regarding rights, women should definitely have equal rights to men. I was raised with the idea that women are equal to men, and neither should be inferior or superior to the other. I believe that women don’t have to pursue everything the same as men, but a lot of things should be valued equally. What do you think of feminists? I am supportive of women who are protesting and advocating their rights. It’s too much if feminism becomes extreme such as man-hating. When did you realize that girls were not equal to boys? In my first and second grade, the first I noticed the difference between girls and boys were about sports. Most of the girls in my class were not coordinated or as interested in sports as guys were. What challenges do you encounter when you present your feminist ideas? I will try to encourage women around me to participate activities that men are involved. I also try to spend time with people who have different opinions, and there are occasions that they have the idea of sexism. Most of the time I try to analyze the situation, but I feel it’s hopeless to argue with them. “ I don’t think there’s a difference that you can quantify or generalize. Some people are smarter, or stronger, but that doesn’t have to do with gender. ” Ma‘or Lev ‘17