My first Magazine Feminizine | Page 22

“ For me , feminism is more about not having the idea of gender . Women and men do have physical differences ( sexes ), but I think we
need to disregard gender .”

“ For me , feminism is more about not having the idea of gender . Women and men do have physical differences ( sexes ), but I think we

need to disregard gender .”

Harry Shu ‘ 17
Are you a feminist ?
Yes I am a feminist , and I felt proud of it , but I think people may define the idea of feminism differently sometimes .
How did you realize that girls were not equal to boys ?
When I was in primary school , I realized there was a significant distinction between girls and boys in the class because they dressed differently and behaved differently . In fourth grade , I hated being a boy because being a boy meant you had to be naughty . I was the one who didn ’ t fit with the mainstream because I liked pink things and I was the quiet one . I still remember I bought a cute Minnie pencil case to the class and loved bright colored clothes .
What ’ s your feminist idea ?
It ’ s not just about equality between two genders ; it ’ s also about not treating two genders differently because of their genders .
What would you do when encountering someone sexist , or other challenges being a feminist ?
I would call everyone in some degree sexist or prejudiced , even including myself . This may seem a bit paradoxical . What I mean is that in the society we live in , everyone will be educated with some kind of bias . People will generalize one group , but at the same time , I don ’ t think this is necessarily a bad thing .