Dulles Solar + Storage project will be a 100 MWac utility-scale solar generating facility paired with a 50 MWax battery storage facility .
Dulles Solar Farm Update
Solar Farm and Battery Storage Installation
To further its global position of leadership in sustainability , the Airports Authority will host one of the world ’ s largest airport-sited solar + battery storage facility through a partnership with Dominion Energy . The project is an innovative partnership between Dominion Energy and the Airports Authority that will create a groundbreaking model for clean energy and clean transportation in major metro areas . This is also a Big Step Forward for Clean Energy in Virginia toward achieving goals of the Virginia Clean Economy Act ( VCEA ); Net Zero emissions ; and building a clean energy economy in Virginia .
The site will be capable of producing 100MW of renewable energy for Dominion ’ s customers , as well as storing that energy at a 50 MW Battery Energy Storage Facility to be used when the grid needs it most .
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