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Meyon Gaines

When my daughter, Meyon Gaines was 14 years old she was in a devastating car accident three days before her 15th birthday. In this accident she sustained a closed head brain injury that left her in a coma. When she awoke six months later, she was unable to walk, talk, move or even smile.

She is now 35 years old and is still non-verbal and non-ambulatory. As her mother, I am resigned to the fact that she will not live a normal life of young women her age, but I want to make her as comfortable as possible.

A company was gracious enough to donate a portable hyperbaric chamber for Meyon, which helps with traumatic brain injuries and provides oxygen to every cell in the body. This oxygenates the body and helps to prevent diseases. I am hoping for financial assistance to be able to bring this chamber in my house to utilize it for Meyon, but the bedrooms are all too small to fit the chamber.

Additionally, there are neurologists we've researched that state that individuals who suffer with closed head brain injuries' hormones are off balance. Under their care, they can help to rebalance their hormones so we are hoping to receive financial assistance for this unique care.

Any amount that you donate to help will be appreciated. Although it has been years since her tragic accident, in my heart I want to believe that anything is possible and perhaps she one day will be able to walk and talk again.

God bless you and thank you,

Connie (Meyon's mom)


Youth Programs

In 1973, the beginning of an initiative was formed which has changed the winter sports industry. Skiing enthusiasts of color chose to formalize a gathering to not only enjoy the sport together, but to celebrate with friends, colleagues and family. Soon thereafter, the National Brotherhood of Skiers (NBS) ventured beyond those formative ideas to proactively seek out and support athletes whose dreams were to represent the United States in the winter Olympics. The mission statement has evolved to not only embrace those dreams but to recognize how the NBS can make a difference by expanding participation. That statement is:

“To identify, develop and support athletes of color who will WIN international and Olympic winter sports competitions representing the United States and to increase participation in winter sports.”

To read more about the NBS and how you can contribute to help young people of color excel in sports, visit their website at