Music Arts and Food by Way of California Music Arts and Food by Way of California | Page 13



I was fortunate enough to catch up with Mariah Wilson the other day in between gigs.

An extremely busy artist, Mariah is a Senior Film Major at the USC. Her projects are not only entertaining; they are insightful, fun, thought provoking, helpful and informative. Remember that you are reading my prediction here first – Mariah is on track to become the next Shonda Rhimes.

In addition to her many auditions, she is currently producing her own reality show – aptly named Mariah’s World – and as the camera chronicles her life, she will be working, singing, dancing, auditioning, offering beauty and hair tips and tutorials, discussing her weight loss journey and working on behind-the-scenes projects in film and television.

Mariah is as comfortable in front of the camera as she is behind it, and she should be – she has been dancing, singing, acting and performing in theater and on television since she was six years old!

When she graduates in 2018, her intent is to continue acting, singing and dancing, and with USC credentials behind her name, she plans to create and produce TV shows and movies.

At the young age of just 16, Mariah co-wrote, produced and starred in the video below. Enjoy, and you can follow Mariah on Twitter at Mariahimanwilson, Instagram at mariahiman, and of course you’ll want to subscribe to her Youtube channel to follow Mariah’s World!

Commercials. Theater. Sitcoms. Dramas. Talk shows and the silver screen. The child star of the award winning movie 'Dreamgirls' is all grown up and now the multi-talented film student is ready to make her impact on the Entertainment industry.