2013 North American Properties MULT-IFAMILY LEASE UP 5
• Volunteers that represent the NAP brand online should adhere to the established brand voice ( of the multi-family asset you ’ re representing ) when responding publicly to fans .
• While maintaining the NAP brand voice ( of the multi-family asset you ’ re representing ): you should speak in the first person , bring your personality , and authenticity . All social input , except from the NAP community manager , should be initialed to exhibit authorship .
2 . Optimization .
• Those posting social content should take the necessary time and / or steps to properly optimize all content in relation to the chosen social channel . For example , all videos loaded to YouTube will contain all SEO components to give that content the best chance to reach it ’ s intended audience .
• Photos will be sized to proper spec for each separate network .
• Thought will be given to targeted keywords when creating social media content .
3 . Disclosure .
• Employees will fully disclose , in all personal social networks , blogs or any online community , their association and affiliation with North American Properties and it ’ s subsidiaries .
• Employees , partners , affiliates and their families should fully disclose the receiving of complimentary products , services , and / or benefits when reviewing , commenting or sharing in any online community .
• Employees should be fully transparent by using their real name and identifying their role at NAP when providing commentary in social media .
• Employees will be truthful and point out , in any social media transaction , if they have a vested interest in the topic . They will also be transparent about every , and all aspects of their involvement .
• When identifying yourself as an NAP employee , take measures to ensure your online profiles and its related content reflect positively on how you would want to be viewed by colleagues and clients .
• Anonymity is not an option when participating in NAP social media . Employees should not falsely disclose their affiliation or rank .
4 . Brand Protection .