Mudpuddler_March_2014_-_v1.0.pdf March 2014 | Page 4
Steve also arranged for the airconditioning towers
to be serviced. This proved to be a difficult task
John Whelan
as many firms contacted by Steve were not willSailing
ing to send people onto the roof. Steve eventually
sourced a cherry picker with a boom so that the
Our Olympic and world Champion sailor, and ASC towers could be accessed.
member Owen McMahon, says that if you sail well at
Albert Park Lake, you will sail well anywhere. There Our internet and computer cabling has been reare many other members who will support that state- viewed and cleaned up.
ment. The need to be constantly aware of the variable
wind conditions, the need to sail well against in tight Exit signs in the club rooms have been checked
fleets against closely matched boats, tacking and gybing for operation, and the door from the boatyard to
well and rounding marks well, means that the ability of the rear stairs has had the lock changed. We were
sailors can reach high levels.
concerned that there was no ability to escape from
the boatyard in an emergency.
Over the past few months, our members have again
demonstrated this in various state and national regattas. Old fridges and other scrap have been removed.
Don also cut up old Lasers and they were disPaul Farrell won the Impulse nationals. This was posed of in a rubbish skip.
Paul’s third victory. In recent years he has come close
to victory many times. In the Victorian state champion- Lesley Scott
ships held at Chelsea over the Labour Day weekend,
Paul followed up his national victory with a second Unfortunately, Lesley broke her pelvis whilst on
holiday in Thailand. This necessitated an enforced 6 week extension to her stay as the doctors
In the OK class, Ron Fergusson finished fourth in the advised her not to fly home. On her Facebook
state championships at Cairn Curran. He finished 5 page on 9 March 2014, Lesley wrote that the prepoints behind Bruce Ashton, a winter season member of vious day she took a few unsupported steps from
the club, and a mentor to many at the club, particularly her walking frame to the kitchen bench, but still
to Ron.
needed to avoid putting weight on her left leg, and
allowing the fracture to heal. Lesley hopes to be
In the Mirror nationals, one of our associate members, home by the end of March and we wish her well
Anita Scott Murphy and her son Ben Cruse, sailed in her recovery.
‘Bob’ to win the2013/14 Mirror championships in Sydney.
Busy autumn and winter series
In the Laser Masters Nationals at Paynesville, Lynette The busy autumn and winter months will shortly
Staunton finished fourth in the apprentice division of be underway. Assistance is needed with the galthe Laser Radials.
ley and with the barbecue after sailing. Let Sue
Schoene or me know if you can assist.
Finally, one of our junior members, Fraiser Leishman,
sailed his Optimist in the intermediate division at the April working bee
nationals at Mornington, finishing a creditable 11th
overall of 55 competitors in that division.
A working bee is scheduled for April; the exact
date will be advised in Thursday Snippets. With
Off water
autumn upon us, the boatyard gets quite messy
and we want to have the club looking its best for
We have been active in tending to a large number of the expected influx of winter season members and
maintenance items.
visitors. Let Steve Lincoln know of any items
you believe require attention in the working bee.
We have new fridges in the galley and a new vacuum
cleaner. Thanks Steve Lincoln.
As always, if you would like more information or
have suggestions, please email me at vicecommoNew RIBs and covers were sourced by Don McKenzie [email protected] or speak to me at the club.
and trolleys designed and made by our club captain,
Rod Caddaye.
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