MSP Success Special Edition 2024 | Page 6


Obliterate Competition , Eliminate Stack Bloat , And Drive Efficiency With Automation — All While Instantly Doubling Your Profits

One subscription with the essential components every MSP needs to monitor , manage , and secure your clients ’ businesses — priced so low you ’ ll double your profits .

That ’ s the new Kaseya 365 .
It promises to disrupt the industry as it drives profitability , automation , and efficiency into your business model , plus make it possible to properly secure all your clients ’ endpoints — without having to make hard decisions based on what they ’ re willing to pay for .
“ Anytime that you ’ re able to drive more profitability into an MSP without them having to generate additional clients , which is typically the hardest thing for them to do , is a huge win ,” says Mike Sanders , CMO at Kaseya . “ But Kaseya 365 also gives MSPs a way to bring to market what they optimally would like to be doing for their clients , without having to negotiate every deal .”
How is that possible ? Kaseya 365 includes all the endpoint management , backup , and endpoint security tools for one unbelievably low price .
What Does A Kaseya 365 Subscription Include ?
Kaseya 365 comprises the essential components and automations for delivering core endpoint management , security and backup services .
“ The platform is so integrated that it feels like you ’ re using a Microsoft Office 365 suite ,” says Ranjan Singh , chief product officer at Kaseya .
Why Is Kaseya Disrupting The Industry ?
Kaseya is on a mission to solve MSPs ’ key challenges : vendor fatigue , lack of automation , software utilization , and limited budgets ( both their own and their customers ’). Many MSPs today are running their businesses with a variety of point solutions that aren ’ t integrated , at price points that eat into margin .
How Are You Pricing Kaseya 365 ?
MSPs currently licensing any of the Kaseya 365 components can apply what they ’ ve paid to upgrade to a Kaseya 365 license . MSPs new to Kaseya will be able to get the essential tools to monitor , manage , and secure their clients ' endpoints for a fraction of what they ’ re currently paying for disparate tools . Like all Kaseya licenses , Kaseya 365 is available as a one-year or three-year subscription .
Will Kaseya Raise My Price ?
Unlike almost every other software vendor , Kaseya is committing to not raising licensing fees and renewals beyond a measure tied to inflation .
How Does Kaseya 365 Provide Competitive Advantage ?
In addition to boosting profits , Kaseya 365 enables MSPs to deliver better service . “ At such a low cost , they can deliver the essential components to manage
Mike Sanders , Chief Marketing Officer , Kaseya and secure their clients , whereas their competitors have to make a choice between putting security on every endpoint versus a subset of the endpoints ,” Singh explains .
What If You Don ’ t Need Everything That ’ s In Kaseya 365 ?
MSPs who may already be using some non-Kaseya tools may not need everything that comes with Kaseya 365 . However , says Sanders , “ It ’ s such a valuable subscription that it won ’ t matter if you ’ re not using some of the components .”
And , like all the tools in the Kaseya IT Complete platform , Kaseya 365 will interoperate with other industry solutions .
How Kaseya 365 Will Move The Needle
“ MSPs are especially price conscious because their customers are especially price conscious ,” Sanders notes . “ We ’ ve been able to develop something that is priced in a way that allows MSPs to protect all of their clients instead of picking and choosing .”
He adds , “ But the real gold in Kaseya 365 is the automation . Everything we can do to drive down labor costs and give MSPs the ability to manage more endpoints per technician more effectively is the real needle mover .”
Ranjan Singh , Chief Product Officer , Kaseya