MSP Success Special Edition 2024 | Page 7


Take Your MSP Business From Tactical To Strategic

Inside Kaseya 365 : Unveiling The Features You Can ' t Miss


Rising prices . Labor shortages . Increased competition . Tool complexity . Unrelenting cyberthreats .

These are just some of the challenges MSP business owners face today .
But there is one strategic business decision that can help you tackle all these pain points with an economic model that unlocks profitability and efficiency .
The adoption of the new Kaseya 365 as your core tool stack for monitoring , managing , and protecting your customers promises to deliver unprecedented streamlined operations that fuel dollars to the bottom line for MSPs .
“ Do you want to be tactical or strategic ?” asks Gary Pica , Founder of TruMethods , a Kaseya company that has trained more than 5,000 MSPs in how to run profitable businesses . “ Kaseya 365 will allow you to be more strategic .”
Why ? Kaseya 365 is cost-effective , integrated , and automated .
Rising Prices
With Kaseya 365 , MSPs can significantly reduce per-seat costs . Now you can choose to add more value and charge more . Or you can just purely increase margins . Or you can afford to be more price competitive in certain situations and maintain your margins . “ Kaseya 365 lets you make strategic decisions on how you want to use that valuable capital ,” Pica notes .
Labor Shortages
It ’ s a challenge to find — and pay for — skilled technicians . With Kaseya 365 , you can hire for culture fit and aptitude and then level up techs faster , because the tools all have the same look and feel and offer deep integration and automation , dramatically reducing what they must learn . “ It sets your people up for success ,” Pica says . “ You can get A results from B techs .”
Increased Competition
All businesses are coping with increasing costs and pressure to do more with less , but SMBs are especially price conscious . Kaseya 365 lets you use price as a competitive weapon . “ You can find gaps in services that competitors can ’ t afford to provide because they didn ’ t get a bundled price ,” Pica says . “ It ’ s one of the biggest competitive advantages you can have .”
Tool Complexity
When techs are working on a customer ticket today , they frequently must touch
8 – 12 disparate tools from all different vendors , making resolution complex and clunky . With Kaseya 365 , your techs will not only be more efficient but more accurate because they ’ re aided by automation . “ It ’ s going to get done the same way , every time ,” Pica says .
Unrelenting Cyberthreats
Time and time again , cost is the main reason your customers refuse to protect themselves with your security offerings , leaving you with the high price of deploying your full stack only to the customers willing to pay for protection . Now , with the economics of Kaseya 365 , you can afford to protect all your customers . “ This not only lowers their risk but it will lower their average tickets per month per end user , which reduces their costs even more ,” Pica says . “ Do you see how those benefits cascade ?”
With Kaseya 365 , you can afford to do all the right things for customers , level up your techs , simplify your business , and drive profits and efficiency . Advises Pica , “ Many people base their business decisions on emotions instead of facts . I ’ ve always been a fan of crunching the numbers , which has saved me many times from making poor financial decisions . In this case , it ’ s clear that Kaseya 365 is a strategic play that will impact every area of your business .”