MSP Success Special Edition 2024 | Page 5

Kaseya 365 changes the fundamental economics of the MSP ’ s business . — Fred Voccola
Kaseya 365 provides all the functionality of the RMM to secure the client ’ s environment : patch management , antivirus , endpoint detection and response ( EDR ), and 24 / 7 managed detection and response ( MDR ). In addition , we ’ re providing them the capability to back up their environment along with rollback capability should , God forbid , a ransomware attack gets through and that client has to remediate and restore bare metal . MSPs no longer have to take the risk of not securing customers that are not willing to pay for advanced security .
MSP Success : How does Kaseya 365 fit into your overall mission of maximizing profits for MSPs ?
Voccola : MSPs have three challenges that prevent them from maximizing their profitability . One , they ’ re limited by how much output a technician can manage . The more productive an MSP ’ s engineers can be , the more profitable that business is . Lack of automation , the number one prohibitor to maximizing engineer productivity , is a twofold problem . The tools that they ’ re using are not integrated enough to allow automation to happen , and because their tools aren ’ t integrated , they ’ re not able to leverage modern machine learning and AI .
Kaseya 365 addresses that with essential automations , which are the result of our Cooper AI engine ingesting data from hundreds of millions of endpoints and hundreds of thousands of users of Kaseya products . Some of these automations also contain the ability to be fully autonomous , further enabling efficiency . We believe Kaseya 365 will boost MSP technician output by 15 %– 20 %.
The second challenge to profitability is how much money MSPs spend on tools , which , as I mentioned , is typically upwards of $ 16 per endpoint . With Kaseya 365 , they ’ ll reduce their costs dramatically and turbocharge their profits .
The third challenge to profitability is client churn . This is a recurring revenue business , so it ’ s painful to lose a client and challenging to acquire new ones . Several factors cause client churn , but our data tells us the top reason why an MSP loses a client is because that client has experienced a cyber incident , and they blame the MSP — even if it wasn ’ t the MSP ’ s fault . Another key reason for client churn is a competitor lures them away with a cheaper price . While that competitor is likely not offering the same level of service , clients aren ’ t IT experts , so they don ’ t know the difference .
Kaseya 365 helps you knock out the two main reasons for client churn . MSPs now have everything they need , at an affordable price , to protect every single client — whether you can get them to pay for it or not . And you ’ ll never lose a client because of price . You can charge 15 %– 20 % less than competitors and still make more profit .
You can also use price as a weapon in new client acquisitions . None of us want to be the lowest price provider . However , now you can lower your prices , if necessary , to secure new business and still make more profit than your competitors .
MSP Success : How will you be licensing Kaseya 365 , and what is the upgrade path for MSPs already using some of its components ?
Voccola : MSPs who currently use any of the modules in Kaseya 365 will be able to apply 100 % of what they ’ re spending to a Kaseya 365 license . And like all Kaseya products , Kaseya 365 is available as a one-year or three-year subscription .
Importantly , we ’ re offering a price-lock guarantee to alleviate any concerns MSPs may have about us raising prices . We are committing to not raising the Kaseya 365 price above a measure tied to inflation for the current purchase and all renewals . That ’ s really important because the average software vendor is raising prices 11 % a year .
MSP Success : Will Kaseya 365 interoperate with other non-Kaseya tools ?
Voccola : Of course . The reality of the MSP market is there are a lot of tools and a lot of good companies . We will never , ever , stop working with other products in the channel community . But because we own our own kit , we ’ re able to build deeper integrations and leverage our AI engine to build automations as well as autonomous automations in workflows between these modules .
MSP Success : Will Kaseya 365 knock out competitors in the same way Microsoft Office did ?
Voccola : If you go back in time to the early- to mid-90s when personal computing was starting to explode , Lotus 1-2-3 was the dominant spreadsheet , WordPerfect was the dominant word processor , and Harvard Graphics was the dominant presentation software . These applications didn ’ t work together , and they were expensive to buy individually .
Microsoft came along with Office , integrating Word , Excel , and PowerPoint and giving them the same look and feel . And they priced the Office platform lower than any one of the competitors ’ individual components . The analogy is similar for MSPs . The most important thing for MSPs is making their business more efficient through integration and automation .
It ’ s very difficult for other vendors to replicate what we ’ re doing because it cannot be done unless you own the software .
MSP Success : Finally , what is the long-term vision for Kaseya 365 ?
Voccola : We are on a continuous mission to make MSPs powered by Kaseya the best , the most profitable , and the fastest growing on the planet . Period . Kaseya IT Complete was the start of improving the efficiency and profitability of MSPs powered by Kaseya . Kaseya 365 is the catalyst to jumpstart this process . There ’ s a lot more to come .