MSEJ MAY 2014 | Page 22

How CASY-MSCCN Supports Jobseekers

"We are not one of those anonymous job boards which collect millions of resumes that gather dust for months on end. We have employment experts who understand

your needs and expectations. "

-Deb Kloeppel, Founder and President, CASY & MSCCN

Getting Started

Our team of Employment Specialists is comprised of trained professionals who are acclimated to military service. In order to effectively assist you, you will need to create an account and one of our team members will connect with you in 48-72 hours.

Step 1: Create an account

Step 2: Upload your resume

Step 3: An Employment Specialist will review your information and contact you and determine your specific needs.

Step 4: You will receive (5) one-hour sessions with your Applicant Specialist to assist you with the following:

• Assess your resume and where you are in your job search

• Provide skill assessments to validate job skills for our employers

• Utilize local job search resources

• Perform targeted mock job interview sessions

• Provide targeted support during your job search process

• Advise you on employment assist programs that provide current work experience, gap skills training, license/certificates, and more

If you have any questions, contact us.