EV: What would you have done differently when you first started your business if you knew then what you know now?
CE: I definitely would have taken business classes. And I would have done more market research in my area. There is a lot more to a photography business than taking pictures and charging people for it! Now I know all about taxes, insurance, cost of doing business calculator, niche marketing, and pricing strategies. I knew nothing about any of that when I started and that caused me to fumble a lot more than I should have. Business training would have been a must if I knew then what I know now.
EV: Do you have any tips for juggling being a mom, Military Spouse and business owner?
CE: BE ORGANIZED!! I can't stress this enough! I suggest using a community calendar, like Google Calendar, so every member of your family can add events to it. This way everyone knows what everyone else is doing. I also highly recommend setting business hours for yourself and sticking to them (especially for those of us who work from home). Use business hours for business and ignore the dishes, laundry, and errand running. When business hours are up, move on to home tasks.
EV: What is on the radar for you as far as future goals are concerned? Personal and professional?
CE: Our future is a little in limbo right now! My business is exploding, so I hope to be able to expand and get a retail studio location. However, as we are military family, we may have a move in our near future. So this decision can't be made until we know where we are going to retire. One of my personal goals is to stop giving so much of myself in so many different places. I found myself getting overwhelmed with family commitments, volunteering for different PTAs, and Girl Scouts, etc. So, I'm learning to step back, learning to say "no" and am only volunteering in the areas which really matter to me.
To learn more about Cristin Emrick and her work, you can visit her website.