Moultrie Scene January 2023 | Page 25

Interior of the downtown building before any work began .
Boasting an expansive 16,000 square feet , the building will house The Flossy Peach and Whitney Smith ’ s State Farm agency on the first floor . Plans are still in the works for the remaining 8,000 square feet on the upper floor . Photo by Akilah C . Clarke
Local contractors , subcontractors and designers contributed to the building ’ s overhaul , which reinvigorated its interior while maintaining the original architectural structure . Photo by Akilah C . Clarke
Demolition began on the McClellan ’ s building in March , just a month after the Smiths and Macie Hegwood purchased it . Photo submitted
The building ’ s immense size allows for more retail floor space and work space for The Flossy Peach , according to Macie Hegwood . Photo by Akilah C . Clarke
“ That ’ s what I ’ m the most excited about -- how many local businesses are involved in this project alone . Every single vendor that is been involved in this project has been local .” - Macie Hegwood
JANUARY 2023 MoultrieScene 25