Moultrie Scene January 2023 | Page 26

Macie Hegwood was looking forward to her boutique , The Flossy Peach , opening in its new home in this photo . The store is now open . Photo submitted
the trio pursue their second renovation project , according to Whitney .
“ All of us were raised in Moultrie -- we all grew up here . Chad and I moved away to the big city for about five years and moved back to Moultrie nine years ago because we wanted to raise our kids here ,” she said . “ When we moved back to Moultrie , we knew that we had a big heart for downtown . We loved the downtown area , the businesses . We just developed a heart not just for our hometown , but small businesses in general .”
Armed with the experience gained from the first renovation , they purchased the Citi Trends building in February and immediately began renovations the following month . The first steps toward acquiring the building weren ’ t so easy , Macie explained , but faith and a strong sense of perseverance helped them stay focused on their goal .
“ We worked on purchasing this building for almost a year before we purchased it . There were several times where we thought , ‘ Okay , this might not be right . The Lord might be closing doors and answering our questions for us .’ But , we were all just continuing to pray His will in it , so it seemed like every time the door was about to shut it would come flying open again . Then it all just worked out , and here we are , with these renovations , and we ’ re very excited about it ,” she said .
26 MoultrieScene JANUARY 2023