Moultrie Scene January 2023 | Page 24

The McClellan ’ s building sits at the corner of Central Avenue and Main Street in this photo from before the renovation . Photo submitted
“ My eyes were peeled for a couple of years looking for another space for The Flossy Peach because we had outgrown the space that we were in , workspace and sales floor space , too . I knew that Citi Trends building was there -- it looked like such a giant undertaking that I really didn ’ t consider it at first as an option ,” she said .
But it was the group ’ s prior experience with renovating the Draffin and Tucker accounting firm ’ s former location on First Street that gave them the confidence to take on the massive project . In 2016 , Whitney ’ s husband , Chad launched Brainstorm Marketing , a marketing and print company , and took steps to acquire and renovate the old building , which had been unoccupied for a significant period of time .
“ When Chad acquired the Brainstorm building , it had been vacant for almost 10 years ,” Whitney said . “ He called me and told me what he was going to do -- I was like , ‘ oh my word , you did what ?’ So , we started the process of renovating [ it ]. It was really cool , because during the renovation process , we got to meet Mr . Draffin ’ s children .”
Whitney went on to detail how although the Draffin family no longer resides in Moultrie , they felt it was important to share the history of the art deco-styled building , which was commissioned by their father and built in 1965 by architect Frank McCall . She explained how learning about its deep connections to the surrounding community further ignited the passion and commitment she , Chad and Macie poured into the building ’ s renovation .
“ They came down and walked through the building and told us why they did the things they did architecturally , and what each room was previously for . … It was just super cool for them to be able to walk through that building and give us
Whitney Smith , Chad Smith and Macie Hegwood pose outside the McClellan ’ s building in downtown Moultrie after closing on the sale of the building in February . Photo submitted the history of that space ,” she said . “ They were thrilled to see a building that was old and dilapidated and had 14 different colors on the walls inside just really be beautified and put to use again .”
Chad echoed his wife ’ s sentiments , explaining how hearing the different stories about the building moved them , further reinforcing the importance of revitalizing a building that meant so much to the Draffin family and the surrounding neighborhood . “ Seeing what was , and now , what is … and continuing to add to the foundation that was built [ with ] a fresh coat of paint , a new addition , or a new interior layout -- the improvement speaks to our love of the community ,” he said .
It was that love of community and heightened sense of devotion to the city of Moultrie that helped
24 MoultrieScene JANUARY 2023