The process of an effective advertising campaign |
by Sanne van Egmond and Dominique Nolen |
while others might focus more on advertising in newspapers, magazines and on
Furthermore we expect that effective advertising campaigns for the youth will focus
on looking good, getting all the boys/girls to like you or cheap food. This is because
puberty also plays a big role in the lives of the youth. We think that advertisers might
use that in their advertising campaigns. For example think of Axe, what teenage boy
would not want to have a hundred girls around him. Exactly, that is what Axe
’promises’ in their advertising campaigns. Besides that, we think that brands will use
famous people in their advertisers, because the youth is very influenceable and is
therefore more likely to have role models in their life. Next to that we also think that
when it comes to making advertising campaigns effective for the youth the brands
should promote their brand and their products on social media, as that is the place to
be for the youth.
When creating our essay, we got help from some people. These people have been a
great help and therefore I would like to mention them here. Thanks to them, our
essay has turned out to be such a successful project.
• Mr. Slaa, our mentor and supervisor during the essay. Who helped us with the
planning and the realisation of the idea.
• Mr. Vogels, our previous cambridge teacher, Mrs. Bolijn, our current English
teacher and Mrs. van der Louw, our current cambridge teacher who all helped us a
lot by checking our grammar and spelling.
• Mrs. Verploegen, the senior brand manager at Unilever for Becel and Becel Pro
Activ, Mr. Zwiers, the online marketer for Sans-Online and Mr. Broekhuis, the boss
or Broekhuis Optiek who provided us with useful information about the advertising
proces for a company.
• Mrs. Braas, the offline media planner of Abovo Media and Mrs. Jaspers, an
employe at GB10 Communications who provided us with very useful information
about the role of various agencies in the advertising process.
• Our classmates for filling in our inquiry and helping us with our research.
• Sanne’s mother for printing out and binding our essay.
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