Motivation letter for IBCoM Final Essay | Page 5

The process of an effective advertising campaign | by Sanne van Egmond and Dominique Nolen | Table of contents ---------------------------------------------- ! Foreword..................................................................................................2 Table of contents.......................................................................................3 Chapter 1: Advertising campaigns in general………………………………………4-8 - The history of advertising………………………………..……………………………5,6 - The goal of an advertising campaign …………………………………………………7 - The effect of an advertising campaign …………………………………………..……8 Chapter 2: The process of an advertising campaign...........................................6 - How is an advertising campaign established at an international company like Unilever?…….6 - How is an advertising campaign established at an online company like Sansonline?…..11 - How is an advertising campaign established at a local company like Broekhuis?............10 Chapter 3: The role of Media, Communication, Advertising and PR agencies - What is the role of the Media agency in creating an advertising campaign…........13 - How does an advertising campaign agency make an advertising campaign? ………………………………15 - PR Chapter 4: Inquiry : What is the most effective form of an advertising campaign for the youth?…….19 - about the inquiry - results inquiry 1 - results inquiry 2 - Video - Radio - Advertisements The conclusion.........................................................................................34 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !5 .