The process of an effective advertising campaign |
by Sanne van Egmond and Dominique Nolen |
On Friday first November we had an interview with Bas Zwiers, the online marketer
of Sans-Online. The job of an online marketer is to get Sans Online on top of the hit
lists on Google. With the help of website navigation, online advertising campaigns
and social media.
Sans-Online is not only one of the bigger Dutch wholesale web shops, but it also has
a local store in Twente.
The advertising campaign process
Sans-Online has approximately sixty-five employees and because Sans-Online is
quite a small company they can be quite quick with the creation of advertising
campaigns. They also create most of the advertising campaigns by themselves. They
come up with all the creative ideas, choose which clothes will be promoted and what
the message is they want to promote. Depending on the form of advertising
campaign they choose to work together with a company that for example creates the
video or image advertisements and puts all the ideas together.
Sans-Online mostly advertises online with banners and advertorials on popular
websites and blogs. In an advertorial for example a commonly used technique is
deep linking. When they use deep linking, Sans-Online gives the writer of the
advertorial a few word(combination)s like ’nice coats’ and a hyperlink to place
underneath. So when people search on ’nice coats’ Sans-Online will pop up in the
search results. This gives them the opportunity to reach out to a much wider
The elaboration
The target group of Sans-Online is people with the age between twenty-five and
forty-five years old. Most of the advertising campaign they made is on the Internet,
but recently they also make advertising campaign for the TV-stations Slam TV and
538 TV and on the radio.
They couldn’t tell us the price of an advertising campaign, but they did tell us that you
have to spend approximately twenty-five Euro on advertising campaign to make one
hundred Euro. Creating advertising campaign can be done quite quickly, because
they work in a small team. Creating an advertising campaign takes about a week.
The distribution
Because Sans-Online is only such a small company, it keeps track of their own social
media. As an online marketer it is a big part of Bas Zwiers’ job to keep track of their
twitter- and Facebook page. Sans-Online also does their own PR.
Even though Sans-Online also has a local store in Twente, most of the advertising
campaign is done online. But the store in Twente reinforces the online store and vice
Interview Bas Zwiers