Motivation letter for IBCoM Final Essay | Page 15

The process of an effective advertising campaign | by Sanne van Egmond and Dominique Nolen | The Media Purchase Agency chooses the medium and this is written in the media plan. They also decide how often the TV-commercial will be televised and in which period. An advertising campaign for a brand such as Unox works the best in the winter months and an advertising campaign for Becel after January or after the summer vacation because of good intentions. ! Before and after a publication of advertising campaign the advertising campaigns will be judged by means of the ABC. In the ABC are three categories: Awareness (attracts the advertising campaign attention?), Branding (is the advertising campaign linked to the brand?) and Communication (did the message come across?). On the Internet people complete surveys about it. They don’t use the advertising campaign anymore, when the advertising campaign isn’t good. ! The distribution Unilever also uses social media. Each brand keeps their own Twitter account or Facebook page up-to-date or calls in a PR-agency for this. Becel aren’t very active on social media, they’re more listeners. They also don’t react to negative messages. Further Unilever uses interactive advertising campaigns. Products that don’t need any advertising campaign (especially TV and radio advertising campaign) are Ben & Jerry and the Unox