The process of an effective advertising campaign |
by Sanne van Egmond and Dominique Nolen |
because of that it is something that fits with Becel. When Unilever does a campaign
like this with another company, they get in touch with this company themselves.)
- The timing and how much money there is available.
Further they put a media purchase agency into action for a media plan, which will
give advice about which medium they need to use.
The briefing will be sent to an advertising campaign agency and they will send a
letter back to check if they have understood what the order exactly is. After that the
advertising campaign agency will make a concept. This often contains several ideas.
Next the brand manager makes a choice of the concept ideas. Then a PPM, Post
Production Meeting, takes place, when they choose the models, clothes and all the
external aspects that will be presented in the TV-commercial. For example for pro
activ they will use a model that is not too old and not too young (+/- forty+, the target
group is forty-five years old and older). The advertising campaign agency will come
up with a selection from which Unilever chooses.
When everything is decided, the advertising campaign agency makes the advertising
campaign. Unilever often makes TV-commercials. Unilever can be present at the
recording of a commercial. The voice-over of a commercial will be recorded
separately in a sound studio.
Sometimes Unilever will put a PR agency into action for free advertising campaigns,
then they only pay the PR agency and not for the necessary articles. PR agencies
are engaged in everything that is new, so new products, special offers and events. A
PR agency can also be put into action to improve specific social relations. Through
such an agency, more attention for a brand can be created. Sometimes a PR agency
keeps the facebook page and twitter account of a customer up-to-date.
The elaboration
To make an advertising campaign, so from the first idea up to and including the
publication, normally takes about half a year. This can actually differ enormously per
advertising campaign. TV-commercials often cost twenty-five thousand Euro up to
five hundred thousand Euro.
The media types that Unilever uses are television, radio, print-advertisement, display
ads, digital newsletters, articles on and search engines. You can subdivide
search engines in two parts: ‘sea’ and ‘seo’. With sea you buy search words from
Google or from personal websites/platforms. Because of this, your website will stay
on top of the hit list of Google in an inorganic way and your Google ranking will go
up. Seo works like mouth-to-mouth distribution. Personal websites can for example
talk about their favourite products and link this back to the original company. Through
radio and television, Unilever can get fast attention for campaigns and they use
advertisements for the story. You can put more information in it. Recognition is very
important here, so you try to disperse a ‘key visual’. This is possible by choosing a
person who is the head of an advertising campaign, so using the same person in an
advertisement as in a TV-commercial.