Top 10
Reasons to Shop at Local Stores
You may already shop locally because it is convenient , or perhaps you don ’ t shop locally at all . There are however , many excellent reasons why shopping at local stores is very beneficial to you and the community . Here are the top ten reasons why you should do more local shopping .
1Better Customer Experience Are you tired of being served by a grumpy , miserable , or even downright rude checkout operator ? If you shop locally you are more likely to be received with a smile and have a very pleasant customer experience . At your local shop you are not just a faceless money carrier , you are person . Building a friendly relationship with the local shop owner makes for a much more relaxed atmosphere and a nicer shopping experience all-around . Rather than making your day worse , shopping at a local store might just brighten your day .
Helping to Maintain the Community
Local stores are owned and operated by local people . The very same people as yourselves who care about the neighborhood they live in . Local businesses donate to local charities and causes and improve the surrounding area . Why ? They care about the area in which they live , just like you . Support local stores and you are supporting your local community .
Local Economic Prosperity
Money that you spend at local shops and businesses is money that is kept in your community , enriching it for all . When you spend at a superstore the profits are taken by the corporation , whereas when you spend locally your whole community indirectly benefits , since that money will be reinvested in your region .
4 Unique Community
Nothing destroys a region ’ s character like the imposition of an all-purpose megastore store . Local communities are unique places that have their very own culture , history and individual quality . Local stores are a part of this rich history and culture , having usually been around for several decades serving as pillars of the community . By supporting these local businesses you are ensuring the maintenance of the tradition and character
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