It Takes A Village
At the high school level , beginning in the 9th Grade , students are expected to complete A-G coursework to graduate . By doing so , they will have met the curriculum requirements of the University of California for eligibility to apply to its schools . MHUSD was recognized this year by the Silicon Valley Education Foundation ( Pioneers and Purpose Award ) for its leadership in the bay area for development of high expectations for students and establishment of A-G curriculum .
“ Every student should leave high school prepared for college ,” Betando said , “ but they should have a choice of alternatives to pursue . It ’ s not just an academic society we live in .” And this is true of Morgan Hill , where some students choose military service or enter the job market .
Photos courtesy of Morgan Hill Unified School District
It Takes A Village “ The Morgan Hill community is amazingly supportive of education ,” Betando said . “ City officials , the Chamber of Commerce , faith-based groups , community organizations are ready to collaborate – we just need to reach out . The City of Morgan Hill has as one of its goals to support youth in the community , and there ’ s Project Cornerstone , Community Solutions , United Way and YMCA , to name a few .
“ We also have strong relationships with organizations such as the Rotary Club and the Lions Club . The Rotary Club put in a playground at one of our schools and provided all of our 3rd grade students with dictionaries .”
S U M M E R 2 0 1 4 M O R G A N H I L L T O D A Y