Embracing Common Core
teacher-student interaction in the early years . It ’ s also a step toward meeting the state ’ s target of 24 students per classroom by 2018 .
Betando said the school district is also taking back five special education programs from Santa Clara County , which will give the district schools more control over the quality and cost of services provided to students .
Embracing Common Core MHUSD is in its third year of focus on Common Core Standards , and Betando said that students across the district will be wellprepared when Common Core testing begins next year .
“ The district and teaching staff embraced Common Core early on , knowing there would be some challenges in terms of developing new teaching methods and curricula ,” Betando said . “ But everyone recognized that the result would be students who are more creative thinkers and problem-solvers . I really credit our teachers who began preparing several years ago to adopt the Common Core standards and test them in practice . They found that programs like integrative math and its practical applications are more aligned with what our world looks like today .”
“ Teachers and administrators have also invested time to educate the community about Common Core ,” Betando said . “ Not only how it works and what it means in terms of curriculum and class structure but also the fact that we have to submit our new high school courses for state approval to be eligible for AP status and college credit . The University of California and California State university systems and other colleges not only support Common Core but promote its adoption .”
Preparing To Launch This year ’ s more than 500 graduates of Ann Sobrato , Live Oak and Central high schools won more than $ 3 million in scholarships and are headed to California state universities as well as Stanford , Cal Poly , east coast schools , community colleges , the job market , and every branch of the military . Graduation rates are up and dropout rates are down . The district is working with the County and justice system to pilot a foster youth tracking system with support services for students at risk of failing or dropping out .
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