21st Century Learning
In 2012 , the voters of the MHUSD community passed Measure G , a $ 198.25 million bond , to fund much-needed improvements to the district ’ s schools . Building and infrastructure renovations are making schools safer , more secure and more energy-efficient while adding ADA access and more classroom capacity . Funds are also being used to incorporate classroom technology for 21st century learning .
21st Century Learning According to Betando , the district ’ s academy schools are thriving . Jackson Academy of Math and Music was the first , and has since become one of the district ’ s high performing schools backed by strong community support . Credentialed teachers provide instruction in math and music . The school even has its own piano lab . Students can learn several instruments – a skill which has been shown in studies to have a positive impact on development of math and problem-solving skills .
San Martin / Gwinn Elementary School is not only a successful dual-immersion school , but also an Environmental Science Academy . Measure G funds made it possible to introduce projectbased learning in a STEM ( Science , Technology , Engineering and Math ) curricula . Environmental challenges are creating demand for new knowledge and skills in the workforce , and this academy provides young minds with hands-on experience outside the classroom .
P . A . Walsh Elementary School is making the transition from traditional elementary to a STEAM ( Science , Technology , Engineering , Arts and Math ) academy . There ’ s a strong focus on technology-enabled learning while curriculum is themed around the arts . School staff partnered with the Santa Clara County Office of Education and the Walt Disney Family Foundation for its focus on the arts . Each student in Grades 2 through 6 has access to his or her own Chromebook computer in the classroom . K-1 students have access to tablet computers . This will help students be better prepared for life in an increasingly digital world , not to mention making the shift to online assessment testing .
At all elementary schools , class size reductions will be in effect for the 2014-15 school year . This supports one of Project Cornerstone ’ s 40 Developmental Assets , which is to enable more
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