of your area . A traditional diner or grocer is part of a town ’ s identity , and you would do well to support them with your custom .
5Unique Products and Quality Produce When you shop at a local store , you get to buy unique , local products of a diverse range that you would not find at a superstore . The stock has been carefully picked by the owner , rather than the dictates of market research and profitability . Especially when it comes to fruits and vegetables , shopping locally is superior to supermarket shopping in every way . The produce is fresher and tastier than supermarket goods , often picked only a day or two beforehand . Fresh , organic , locally-grown food is also not only healthier for you , but it is also healthier for your community , as you are sustaining local agriculture .
6Local Competition Using local businesses encourages healthy competition . This ultimately brings you , the customer , a cheaper , wider range of goods . Multiple companies competing in individual markets is much better for everyone than one huge conglomerate selling a narrow range of every type of product .
7More Local Jobs Small local companies create a wide variety of local jobs which help sustain community economies . By shopping at local stores and using local businesses you are ultimately creating a supply of jobs in your local area through increasing demand for goods and services .
8Supporting Regional Agriculture Through buying your fruit and vegetables from local outlets there are multiple positive effects . Aside from cheaper food bills and fresh produce , by supporting local farmers you are reinvesting money into your community and also helping the environment by reducing transport pollution .
9Helping the Environment In the world today everyone wants to do what they can to help conserve the environment and the planet ’ s natural resources . Shopping locally serves this cause in several ways . Major road congestion is reduced , as is general transport pollution . Buying goods from local stores also reduces fuel and energy consumption by bypassing the need to import from around the world . Local shops require little infrastructure , further decreasing our impact on the environment .
10 Local Decision
Important decisions made by local stores and businesses ought not be harmful to the community since the owners are part of the community too- they have a vested interest and are committed to the area ’ s future themselves . Decisions affecting the community are not made in a corporate board room hundreds of miles away , they are made by fellow members of the community who appreciate their impact .
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