Moonrise 13Moon Digital Magazine Volume 1, Number 9 - October 13, 2015 | Page 18

Continued from page 17 - There is no glass slipper Instead of trolling neighborhood streets, information is now posted online for the world to access. You all know that what’s online is permanent – it never goes away and if you’re not careful, it’ll come back to bite you. Basically, instead of Willie John pimpin’ down at the corner, the internet has allowed the middleman to be cut out of the transaction – think, EHarmony, and AshleyMadison to name a few. So this is what it’s come to – pimping and posturing online to meet shady characters. If my words are provoking you, that’s good because what I want to do is teach you how to use that energy to your advantage. Having bought into the hype, you certainly have to accept personal responsibility for your actions. Internet dating is like trolling for “as is” used cars. What are you expecting to find? Shiny on the outside? You’ll find they’re going to be a little banged up and bruised. Maybe the paint finish isn’t as shiny or the heated seats don’t work anymore. No matter, when something goes wrong, don’t bother looking any further than in the mirror. And that Cougar thing? Really, if you’ve got to go minor league in order to feel better about yourself, well… it’s really because you want to take care of somebody who is willing to stroke your ego a fair bit in exchange. To each his or her own, but the old adage still applies – “there’s no fool like an old fool…” Unfortunately, guys have bought into this crap as well. You’re either expected to swoop in and be the HERO or ride in… courtesy of your high-octane mechanized steed… and save the day. Nonetheless, living out these fantasies where you get to pick, choose and destroy lives as you careen along carefree is just as dangerous as the women who continue to deny their roll in the princess conspiracy. Take a tip and start doing it old school – meet people face-to-face the old fashioned way. The pictures you post online don’t do justice… I mean, some folks would be hard to recognize because you’re not really being honest about who you are right here; right now. So if you’re too busy trying to hide the real you, how can you be surprised when the person you’re supposed to meet doesn’t fit your ideals, either. If you can’t let someone meet the real you up front, at what point are you planning the big reveal? Just because you CAN do something, doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do. Ultimately, it boils down to “Do unto others are you would have them do unto you.” You might not agree and this article isn’t about changing your mind, nor am I here to pat you atop your head and go “there, there”. Rather, it’s about igniting that little ember buried deep inside. I’m even willing to help fan the flames until your own personal power becomes white-hot and you start confidently calling the shots and living authentically. So whatever you do, remember, there might not be a fairy tale ending ahead, but you do have a choice in who you choose to write a new tale with. Beauty is as beauty does. Be what you want to attract and do it the old fashioned way. Take a hint – birds and bees interact intuitively! Nature happens.