Moonrise 13Moon Digital Magazine Volume 1, Number 9 - October 13, 2015 | Page 17

the worst economy since the 1930s That’s billion with a “B” – just for pink and pastel princess-y stuff… just Disney and if that wasn’t an eye opener, more than half - $1.6 billion was sold just in North America. And just in case I didn’t sufficiently make my point before, they’re now selling Disney Princess makeup that’s clearly being marketed to adult consumers! We don’t even have half the world’s population, but we certainly lead in the category of gullible when it comes to fairy tales and the happily ever (never) afters! the spectacle, but more likely than not, you’re still holding onto the remnants of fantasy… hoping against hope. The reality is that it’s easier to exist in fantasy land – watching people and fake lifestyles that really don’t exist. Moving on, let’s break it down and get real