Moonrise 13Moon Digital Magazine Volume 1, Number 9 - October 13, 2015 | Page 19

Continued from page 15 - Everyday lessons This is the paradigm shift that my guides brought to my attention so very long ago. Once I fully understood its significance, I talked about the coming changes with whomever would listen. There’s no going back. Life is different now and it is up to us to make changes in ourselves if we want to choose to seek out greater abundance and prosperity. Before you can see your way to prosperity, you’ve got to shift your beliefs from lack to being grateful for whatever it is you currently have. Love yourself and your life how it is right now, because this current moment is the only one that’s promised. You take in a breath and you soak up life – for better or worse – with each inhalation. When you exhale, let go of the fear and the anxiety that holds you captive and continually ask “for this or better”. Doesn’t matter what your present circumstances are right there, there are always things we can do to make a difference in our own lives and the lives of others. Change doesn’t require you to have a lot of money or resources, instead what matters is your commitment to altering how you interact and respond to your current environment. It does require you to become fearless and sometimes commit to things that are uncomfortable and a little scary. Oftentimes, when Spirit steps in to detour us off what we perceived as our planned path, it’s because we need a “time out” – time to contemplate where we