Monthly Pulse January 2014 January 2014 | Page 6

JANUARY 2014 January Birthdays & Anniversaries JANUARY BIRTHDAYS 01/01 Achan Jobi Michael Currier 01/02 Gary Ridge Ray Lacina 01/03 Pat Greenwood Adrienne Hodgman Janzen Staska 01/04 Kathy Staska Aaron Gritz Cole Larson 01/05 Leon Ellis Katharine Dagle Teri Schuler 01/06 John Jacobson Jason Kerr 01/07 Crystal Nelson Anna Holcomb 01/08 Harold Landsman Bev Cashman 01/09 Carol Zetah Ashley Beckman 01/10 Sara Spatenka 01/12 Allan Peterson Diane Froehlich Destry Boomgarden 01/13 Terry Duncan Pam Ellis 01/14 Octavia Hernandez Anna Hagenson 01/15 Ted Bowcock Savanna Harris 01/16 Naomi Jones 01/17 Judy Roensch Abigail Bassett 01/18 Ryan Hodgman Tyler Cochran 01/19 Bea Oberg Tony Seykora 01/20 Dennis Halverson Christopher Kyllo 01/21 Mary Schultz 01/22 Jeremy Jirele 01/24 Beth Hammel 01/25 Elaine Rex Chelsea Lane 01/27 Emilee Worrell 01/28 Taylor Smith 01/29 Alma Asbell James Gute Katie Gillespie Ethan Ostermeier Brekxton Nelson 01/30 Bell Kohl Ross Brown Alice Reseland Bryce Evans 01/31 Deloris Brase JANUARY ANNIVERSARIES 01/11 Justin & Kayla Kidder 01/13 Chris & Kelly Masche 01/21 Carrol & Doris Evans Diane & Gary Froehlich 01/25 Mary & Maynard Albers 01/30 Gary & Glenda Ridge Prayer Requests Did You Know? God’s power to work through our prayers is significant! Here at Associated we have several ways of meeting your prayer requests. You can ask us directly (Rev. Kathy Gibson Christensen, Rev. Jim Oberg, and Parish Nurse Sandy Greenwood), or you can fill out a prayer request card found in the pew pads or on the Welcome Table by the office. You can place the card in the offering plate or in the prayer request box also on the Welcome Table by the Office. During 2013, 15 Friendship Ministry volunteers provided personal visits and 16 volunteers wrote monthly notes to 30 congregational members who ͔