Monthly Pulse January 2014 January 2014 | Page 5

JANUARY 2014 Stewardship Ministry News Greetings from the Stewardship Ministry Team! We are a somewhat new team at Associated in that there is a whole group working together on this part of church life and I find myself energized by the group and awed by their commitment. Earlier in 2013 a larger group met several times and developed a job description and responsibilities for the team. Now there is a core group getting down to the nitty gritty. This group includes Mary Overlee Olson, Ross Brown, J. Revier and myself. Al Ideker , church moderator, has also stayed very involved and Rev. Gibson Christiansen attends as an ex-officio member. tionship (and joy) between the contribution of time, talent and finances and a life of discipleship. 2. Plan a holistic year-round stewardship plan in support of the church mission. 3. Provide financial education to aid individuals in better understanding the church’s finances and giving opportunities. 4. Thank each supporter for his or her contribution to the church community. As part of the holistic year-round stewardship plan we will be featuring one ministry team or program monthly so they can tell us all how they are carrying out Associated Church’s mission: to help every person grow into deeper relationships with one another and with the God we meet in Jesus Christ. The Stewardship Ministry team will lead off in January. On the 19th Ross Brown will give a presentation on the endowment, a wonderful and poorly-understood asset of our church. On the 26th you will hear more from me about the overall stewardship plan. As you hear from each group I think you’ll find yourself enthused to be part of such a dynamic congregation. So far we have developed the fall financial campaign around the theme “Giving with a Grateful Heart” and that will continue as our theme through next summer. We are so richly blessed by God. We return part of our time, talent and treasure in gratitude for God’s generosity to us. We will provide regular updates to the congregation on the status of the financial campaign. Our prayer flags are a physical symbol of things for which we are grateful. Some of them are in the Youth Room and you may see them in the church again. Speaking of the Youth Room – Wow! – what a great space! It makes me very thankful for the young people in our church family, for people who supported the new addition and for all teachers and youth leaders. Blessings and Peace to All for 2014, Carol Winter Going forward we will concentrate on four goals over the next year. These include: 1. Study and grow in understanding of Biblical stewardship so it can help church members see the rela- Carol Winter Stewardship Ministry Team Did You Know? Members of the Adult Ministry Team review the weekly pew cards and send welcome notes to visitors? Team members also organize many services provided for our church each week by contacting scores of people each year to greet at church entrances before and after Sunday services and to host Java, Juice and Joy and Second Sunday Brunches. In addition, this ministry team organizes Wednesday Lenten suppers, Suppers for Seven, the annual Church picnic, Sunday morning Adult Conversations in Faith and spirituality retreats for both men and women. God continues to speak to us, in part through the work of these volunteers who greatly enhance the spirituality of our faith community. 5