Minister’s Message
Every year I look for a new calendar. I have to see the
pictures for each month before I buy it. I sometimes
measure it to fit the place in my kitchen where it
hangs. There is all of this planning – so much so that I
forget to purchase one and we use one that comes in
the mail. No matter what, when New Year’s Day arrives, we are scrambling to find a calendar to put up.
also a good time to say a small prayer. Take a minute
and ask God to bless the coming day, or month, or
year. Maybe that blank page, like every page in our
lives, can be given over to God. We will find the surprises unfold before us. We will find that that laughter
and tears will each have their part. We will ask our
questions of God and seek direction for our lives and
for the ministry we each hold. We may even be moved
to offer God praise for the coming year and all of its
In the New Year, calendars are largely blank. I sometimes wonder what will fill the pages and the dates.
What kind of year will we have? When are the dates
for the college, and which classes will my children
have? When will our family be able to have a vacation?
Are there milestones that we will celebrate with our
extended families? No one really knows the answers
to these questions, except God. Each year I want to
ask what God has in mind this time.
I pray that we are able to not only pray this for ourselves, but also for the church. We are each a part of
this faith story. As individuals and as a community, I
pray God will lead us this coming year so that we may
continue to grow into the vision that God has for us.
May your New Year be a blessed year.
Sometimes it would be nice to predict the year so we
can plan for what is ahead. Yet, our ideas and God’s
ideas are not always the same. Our sense of time and
God’s sense of time are often different as well. Maybe
while we look at the blank pages of the calendar it is
Rev. Kathy Gibson Christensen,
Interim Minister
[email protected]
December Home Communion Appreciation
After the December 1 worship service, 17 people were served home communion by 13 current and past Elders
(Alma Asbell, Ila Buss, Dawn Chesney, Dave and Jean Einhaus, Ron Hager, Sheryl Ignaszewski, Kathe Kyllo, Rod
Kyllo, Nancy Lacina, Sharon Partridge, Don VonRuden, and Carol Zetah). After December 1, Interim Pastor Kathy
Gibson Christensen and Parish Associate Jim Oberg served additional home communions. The next home communion Sunday is the first Sunday in February (February 2).
2014 Flower Calendar
Did You Know?
We are preparing the 2014 Flower
Calendar for the Sanctuary flowers.
The new sign up sheet is posted on
the bulletin board in the office.
Please feel free to pick a date and
provide flowers for the sanctuary. The Church can
order the a