Movement Glossary
Archer Pushup
Start at the bottom of a Pushup (thumbs touching or near the
armpit). Hold one arm in this position as you extend the other
arm so that you finish with the extended arm perpendicular
to your body. Return this arm to the start position and repeat
with the other arm.
1 Archer Pushup = 1 rep from each arm (2 total reps).
Bear Crawl
Crawl on all-fours like a bear would walk.
Box Drill
Face the same direction the entire time. Sprint to the first Plug,
shuffle laterally to the second, run backwards to the third, and
shuffle laterally back to the start, making a large “box.”
Box Jump
Jump up onto a box and stand straight up.
Step or jump down, and repeat.
Breath Hold
Do not inhale or exhale.
Broad Jump
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Bend the knees,
swing the arms back and jump forward as far as you can
using your arms to gain extra momentum.
From standing, bend at your waist and plant your hands
on the ground as you jump your feet back. Lower yourself
so that your chest and hips are in contact with the ground.
Press yourself back up using your arms and back. Use your
abs to pull your feet back towards your hands and finish
by jumping and clapping behind your head.
Click on any movement for video demonstration.