monkii Training Manual 10x10 | Page 6

How To Use This Manual This manual contains all of the information you need to complete each workout. First, make sure to read the brief overview. This overview will help you to understand the goal and relative level of intensity of the workout. It also includes efficiency tips which are paramount to your success. Completing the workouts is important, but even more important is how you complete each workout. PREVENT INJURY. No one is standing there forcing you to complete any workout. Listen to your body and be sure to make a clear distinction between being in discomfort and injury. If you feel like you are injuring yourself, you probably are and should stop the workout immediately. Live to fight another day. There is training hard, and then there is training smart. We want you to do both and that means knowing when to walk away. Many of the workouts are broken down into Stages. These are separate entities within the workout that are meant to be done in order and include the prescribed rests. A video is worth a