aiR trAffiC coNtroLler : Monitoring aircraft climb and descent rates , and making sure the planes don ’ t crash into each other .
BanD acCounTant : If you ’ re the accountant for a band , you need to keep on top of royalties , expenses and income from tours and concerts !
Shop ownEr
PartIcle phySiciSt
SpeCial EffEcts DirEctoR : Uses applied maths to work out the theoretical viewpoints , lighting and colours for those dramatic moments that can ’ t be filmed !
ArcHiteCt : From initial design to final geometry , algebra and trigonometry are all at play ! fInAnciAl aDvIsOr
CryPtanAlysT : Computer code is essential to systems and databases , and this must be encrypted to keep hackers out and protect against viruses .
AcadEmIc resEarcHer
IntErioR deSignEr : Area calculations are helpful when planning how to make a room look its best . |
Spy |
StoCkbrOker : Descriptive statistics and linear algebra are just two of the many mathematical concepts used in this job . |
Words : Ellie Long . Illustration : Takayo Akiyama |
EconOmIst |
ResTaurAnt manaGer : Handling cash , paying workers and keeping track of profit , restaurant managers use maths every day . |
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