MoneyMaths-1123 | Page 10

KNiGhTs TEmPlAr Did medieval monks invent modern international banking ?

It ’ s the early 1100s . Western European Crusaders have recently taken control of Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslims . The city of Jerusalem is a very important spiritual site for different faiths . ( Humans fighting one another , again ? Ed ).
Yes . I ’ m afraid so . But we ’ re not here to talk about complicated and horrible wars . We ’ re here to talk about the beginnings of international banking .
Imagine yourself as a pilgrim in medieval Europe . As a pilgrim you want to show commitment to your faith and visit the Holy Land ( I think I ’ d just stay at home tbh , ed ). However , travelling over 2,000 miles is not going to be easy . Pilgrims were vulnerable to thieves and attackers on their journey particularly in areas where the Crusades had been / were being fought . You need to finance your journey , but taking all your gold with you seems like a pretty daft idea . What to do ?
WHAT WERE THE CRUSADES ? The Crusades were a series of religious wars which began in the late 11th century when armies of European Christians sought to take control of the Holy Land , particularly Jerusalem , from Muslim rule . Over several centuries , multiple campaigns were launched , resulting in victories and defeats for both sides . The Crusades had profound impact on trade , culture , and the exchange of knowledge between Europe and the Middle East . However , they also led to significant bloodshed , religious intolerance , and long-lasting tensions between Christians and Muslims .