MoneyMaths-1123 | Page 8


ReAl wOrLd mAtHs

Have you ever asked yourself … where will all this maths get me in the real world ? Well wonder no more , because we have the answers . Any budding mathematicians will be pleased to know that maths skills are highly sought after in today ’ s society ! Many exciting and important jobs use maths regularly . Here are just a few .
AstRonoMer : Maths enables
Game desIgner us to better understand stars and planets . Many calculations are necessary to send people into space too !
DatA scIentIst : Uses maths to analyse masses of data and translate it into useful information , like working out how to make companies more efficient .
MathS teAcher
FinAnciAl rEporTer : Comprehending the maths behind important economic decisions is key in this job .
SaleSperSon laWyer : An analytical mindset is key , because winning a court case is much easier when you can think on your feet and solve problems .
AniMatoR : Mathematical simulations are required to work out how a character interacts with the world around it .
EntrEpreNeur maRketEr : Makes budgets and plans finances , then uses data to see how well their sales campaigns are going .
MetEoroLogiSt : Maths helps meteorologists make models of the atmosphere and oceans , so they can calculate what is likely to happen next .