Most of the times we feel delighted to discover the “The focal point of God”, stating that it resembled a
amazing beauty and harmony of nature, let’s say for true “organ of mystical and religious experiences”.
example when strolling through a meadow in bloom, “The focal point of God” or “the divine centre” seems
on a splendid summer day. Although not savvy in the to actually be found here, inside each of us, within an
matter, each of us can perceive the specifi c mystery of area of unlimited, yet unexplored potential. It enables
plants and guess they must owe it to a secret source. the healing of our being and it triggers and activates
It is impossible not to feel, with every given oppor- mystical visions, artistic insight, telepathic abilities and
tunity, the inner delight created by the perfume of a extraordinary spiritual experiences. In other