The Sense of Beauty and its Corresponding Focal Point within
the Human Being
Article by Prof. Dr. Arch. Beatrice Lucaci
The sense of beauty has constantly posed an interest “To render the sensations of reality, just as Nature itself
for artistic, pholosphical and other greatest geniuses, provides them to us, without replicating or imitating, is
who not only studied it, but aimed to express it. The today the vastest purpose of art. Creating an object that,
wise Plato considered beauty, harmony, love and good- through its own organism, offers what nature creates
ness as existing in a perpetual unity with each other. through her eternal miracle, is what art desires. And
accomplishing this means entering the universal spirit
In “The Symposium”, Plato captures and defines the of things and not limiting yourself to replicating their
objective quality and value of beauty, that part of it image. A work of art created in such a way will tend
which is absolute and not relative, transcendent not towards the absolute balance; and absolute balance
immanent: remains the perfect expression of Beauty.”
“A nature which in the first place is everlasting, not grow- The Taoist wisdom also expresses a profound spiritual
ing and decaying, or waxing and waning; secondly, not perspective on Beauty, on divine goodness and truth,
fair in one point of view and foul in another, or at one in a style that enables us to have an insight on the
time or in one relation or at one place fair, at another subtle flavour of metaphors:
time or in another relation or at another place foul, as
if fair to some and foul to others, or in the likeness of a “As soon as beauty is known by the world as beautiful,
face or hands or any other part of the bodily frame, or in it becomes ugly.
any form of speech or knowledge, or existing in any other As soon as virtue is being known as something good, it
being, as for example, in an animal, or in heaven, or in becomes evil.
earth, or in any other place; but beauty absolute, sepa- Therefore, being and non-being give birth to each
rate, simple, and everlasting, which without diminution other.
and without increase, or any change, is imparted to the Difficult and easy accomplish each other.
ever-growing and perishing beauties of all other things.” Long and short form each other.
High and low distinguish each other.
Hence what is beautiful is not so due to something Sound and tone harmonize each other
else, but it is beautiful in eternity and for itself. Before and after follow each other as a sequence. […]
He devotes all his energy but has no intention to hold
Plato makes a connection between beauty and the on to the merit.
relation man-God (The Being). Man sees the Being When success is achieved, he seeks no recognition.
with the help of the Soul. Upon seeing the Being, Because he does not claim for the credit, hence shall
the man is transported beyond self. What is beauti- not lose it.”
ful brings us to the contemplation of Beauty, thus – Fragment from Tao Te King
offering us the contemplation of the Being and the
perception of eternity.
Many of the masterminds of humanity have observed
and raised awareness on the importance of devel-
Here is how the genius Romanian artist Constantin oping a sense of beauty both outside and inside of
Brâncuşi defined the expression of beauty: ourselves.
Page 14 | Monad 5 / 2017