Using Quantum Physics in Human Resources
Article by Niloma Emmanuel
We spend a significant amount of time at work and y y A sales person on their empathetic skills
y y An employee aspiring to become a manager,
the role itself can even shape how we view ourselves. identifying areas of improvement required to
Furthermore, our job titles can also affect our social carry out this role effectively, such as strong
interactions. Along with your name, people usually communication skills
Our jobs and careers have a big impact on our lives.
want to know what you do for a living and rightly or
y y The best candidate for an upcoming promotion
wrongly, make assumptions based on this information.
Companies such as Google have a 6 stage interview
It is therefore important to reflect on our skill set and process to maximise the chance of hiring the right
choose career goals that best suit us. To help with people. Using a quantitative approach in addition to
this, many companies have appraisal programs where existing HR processes could help companies make
they meet with staff on an annual basis to discuss their more informed decisions.
performance and how they might improve. This is usu-
ally based on feedback from clients, fellow colleagues
and financial results. But what if there was a more
integral and yest scientific way to assess your skills?
The process
The quantitative assessment is made possible using
the Electrophotonic Imaging Device, developed by
Drd Andronicus Torp and his team have been carry- the Russian Professor Korotkov. It measures photons
ing out ground-breaking research in the innovative emitted by the body and measures energy and stress
new application of quantum physics within Human levels at 7 different electromagnetic levels.
Resources. We have presented some of their research
in last two numbers of Monad and recently I have also Every competency can be measured. An individual’s
spoken to him to find out more around this novel idea. skills in relation to communication, strategic overviews
and willpower can all be assessed using this equipment.
The inspiration
Best practice would be to measure staff on a regular
basis, for example monthly for a year. This will remove
Having an interest in energy and consciousness, Drd any distortions in the data due to anomalies such as
Torp was keen to bring these abstract concepts in line high stress levels following the completion of a big
with a more practical application. We use expressions deadline or high energy levels on return from a holiday.
such as ‘she/he has a high energy’ when we describe
successful people however, the observation of how
much energy one has, is subjective. Drd Torp mea-
Case study
sured the energetic structure of a human being, to Drd Torp and his team have collaborated with dif-
provide a quantitative assessment. ferent companies, taking measurements of their
staff and carrying out assessments of their skills and
The purpose
competencies. Furthermore, he has advised them on
how to develop specific qualities using techniques
Currently HR departments often use psychometric such as mindfulness, nutrition, massage and dancing.
tests to assess the job-related Knowledges, Skills, Recognising that development and transformation is
Abilities, and Other characteristics (KSAOs) of an unique to the individual, it is possible to tailor solu-
individual to determine how successful they will be tions to increase energy levels.
at performing a specific role. The more energy one
has, the more KSAOs they will possess. For example, For example, Drd Torp measured stress and energy
it could be used to assess: levels at a company at specific times of the day: 9am,
Page 16 | Monad 5 / 2017