Momentum - Business to Business Online Magazine September 2017 | Page 43
Other Needs Assistance Program
FEMA’s Other Needs Assistance Program helps people affected by a disaster by providing money, up to the
program maximum, for necessary expenses and serious needs, not housing related, that can’t be met through
other means. Other needs assistance includes:
Personal Property Assistance: To repair or replace essential household items including, but not limited
to, furnishings and appliances, accessibility items defined within the Americans with Disabilities Act, and
specialized tools and protective clothing required by an employer.
Childcare Assistance: A one-time payment, covering up to eight cumulative weeks of child care
expenses, for a household’s increased financial burden to care for children aged 13 and under; and/or
children aged 14 to 18 with a disability as defined by federal law.
Medical and Dental Assistance: To assist with medical or dental expenses caused by a disaster, which
may include injury, illness, loss of prescribed medication and equipment, or insurance co-payments.
Funeral and Burial Assistance: To assist with funeral expenses incurred as a direct result of a declared
disaster, which may include reallocation or reburial of unearthed remains and replacement of burial
vessels and markers.
Transportation Assistance: To repair or replace a vehicle damaged by a disaster and other
transportation-related costs.
Moving and Storage assistance: To relocate and store personal property from the damaged primary
residence to prevent further disaster damage, such as ongoing repairs, and returning the property to
the primary residence.
Miscellaneous or Other Items Assistance: To reimburse for eligible items purchased or rented after a
disaster incident for an individual or household’s recovery, such as gaining access to the property or
assisting with cleaning efforts. Eligible items are identified by the state, territorial, or tribal government
and may include items such as a chainsaw, air purifier or dehumidifier.
General Program Requirements
To receive assistance for disaster-related needs other than housing, all of the below must be true:
• You have losses in a Presidentially-declared disaster area.
• You have no insurance, or have filed an insurance claim but the damage isn’t covered, or
your insurance settlement doesn’t cover all of your losses.
You or someone who lives with you is a U.S. citizen, a non-citizen national, or a
qualified alien.
• You have necessary expenses or serious needs because of the disaster.
• You have accepted help from all other sources for which you qualify, like insurance or
Small Business Administration (SBA) disaster loans.
Certain conditions and limitations apply.
To learn more, visit the Assistance to Individuals and Households Fact Sheet.
MOMENTUM / August 2017