The 56th edition of the iconic Balwin Sport Peninsula Marathon took place on Sunday 18 February in Cape Town , with some 3000 runners tackling the fast and mostly flat route from Green Point to Simon ’ s Town in the marathon , and another 3000-odd starting the half marathon in Bergvliet . As Race Director Glenn Muller of presenting club Celtic Harriers writes , it was a hugely successful day , as the second event in the four-race Balwin Sport Marathon Series traversed the Mother City .
Psychologists refer to it as completion anxiety , which is that feeling of “ did the event meet the standards expected by others ?” usually followed by “ what next ?” There is undoubtedly a mix of relief and uncertainty now that the 2024 Balwin Sport Peninsula Marathon and Half Marathon have been concluded . However , judging from the many happy faces and positive comments , it seems that the event was a resounding success .
This year , just over 6000 runners , almost evenly split between the marathon and half , lined up on a perfect morning to tackle their individual goals . This represents an increase of 28 % on 2023 numbers , which was largely due to our new title sponsor , Balwin Properties , which vigorously marketed this race together with the other three marathons – Jeppe , Pretoria and the Dolphin Coast – to form the new
Images : Shuyb Hendricks / ABPhotoZA
42 ISSUE 166 | www . modernathlete . co . za