Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 166 March 2024 | Page 41

Although semi-retired , the Kalmer sisters ( and their kids ) remain hugely popular brand ambassadors for the SPAR Women ’ s Challenge .
MA : Christine , am I correct in assuming that you have also seconded on the route , when Aiden ran last year ? CK : Yes , it was me and Reuben , and I asked my parents to join , mainly to help with Reuben . But Aiden did pretty well with his pacing and was never in the red zone , or at risk of missing a cut-off . I think that ’ s the project manager in him coming out !
MA : So , having both experienced the challenge of seconding a runner on the Comrades route , do you think that running it will actually be more enjoyable ? I know it ’ s harder physically , but will it actually be more enjoyable ? RK : I think we ’ ll be able to tell you that on the 10th of June – or maybe only a week later , maybe the 18th . Call us then … But yes , I think we ’ ve both been there and experienced what Comrades is really about . And I think that ’ s the main thing , we want to be part of that experience , to just embrace the whole atmosphere for 90-odd kilometres .
CK : I almost feel like every South African should at least go and watch the Comrades – even better , go and stand next to the route , just to experience it , and to get that proudly South African feeling . But if you get that just by standing next to the road , I can only imagine how it must be running the whole way . I think it must be pretty special .
Images : SMacPix & courtesy René Kalmer , Christine Kalmer , SPAR Women ’ s Challenge
this is just a slightly longer race , we can do this . In other words , are you actually feeling any butterflies ? RK : No , I think it ’ s all of the above – daunting and exciting . I ’ ve always joked that I don ’ t like running that much to want to run that far , but it ’ s time to tick that box , and also be seen as a ‘ real runner .’
MA : On a related note , do you think that your top-level competitive careers are over , or do you think you ’ ve still got some racing left in you ? RK : I think both of us had really amazing careers , and I think it is very special for two sisters to say that they both ran an Olympic Marathon , but I think it ’ s pretty much over now , and I think we ’ re fine with that . Now we enjoy the social part . The thing is , I can ’ t train like I used to , I ’ ve got a family now , and I ’ m at this point now where I work for my money and I run for fun . I ’ m more than happy with that , but I still love my running , and I still need it , but I ’ m fine .
CK : Also , elite running sounds so glamorous , but it ’ s quite stressful getting all the training in , and being at the track alone at seven at night in the winter . Certain parts of it can be quite lonely , and I think we ’ re fine with this new idea of being ‘ serious social runners .’
RK : That ’ s the beauty of running … It ’ s not like if you don ’ t make a team , you need to retire , like a rugby player , for instance . We ’ re not retiring , and nobody ’ s going to force us to retire from the sport just because we ’ re not earning a living out of it . We still enjoy it , and we still have goals , like running Comrades .
CK : And I think we can do it now , without pressure . RK : Yes , and that ’ s a lot of fun . I ’ ve really been enjoying my running these last couple of months .
MA : Was there any thought as to whether you would want to do an
Up or a Down Run for your first one ? CK : I wouldn ’ t have minded to finish in Durban , but it is what it is , and René , it looks like you had no choice ...
RK : I think I would also have preferred finishing in Durban , but I got the anniversary gift for this year , so that ’ s just the way it is . It ’ s just that finishing in Pietermaritzburg means you then have to drive back to Durban , and that that ’ s a very long way after the race . But I ’ m still looking forward to it , and we ’ ll have to do a Back-to-Back the next year , so I ’ m looking forward to the whole experience again for that .
MA : OK , so you ’ ve already pretty much committed to two Comrades in the next two years , but do you see yourself doing 10 and going for a Green Number ? RK : Sean , one at a time for us , maybe two . But that ’ s Andre ’ s whole plan ... That ’ s why he decided he needs to run this year . I think he ’ s running his seventh , and then he ’ ll be able to run his 10th in the 100th Comrades , which will also be the year he turns 50 . So , it will be a special Comrades in three years ’ time .
CK : So why don ’ t we just do that one instead ? RK : Good idea ! Okay , bye , Sean , interview over ! ( They both crack up laughing )
Christine in action during that Pirates 21K .
MA : Since you girls and your hubbies are going to be running , who ’ s going to be seconding you ? RK : That was one of the big reasons we joined the Runzone club this year , because their seconding was very good last year . I think they ’ ve got four seconding points along the route , and then we also have a lot of friends and family to help as well . I think it would be better for my parents to stay home and watch the kids , but I can ’ t see that happening , because I know my mom gets serious FOMO . They went down for their first Comrades last year and they really enjoyed it . But we ’ ll see about that . Ann has also offered to let us use some of the elite seconding points .
MA : And those elite seeding toilets ... RK : Sean , that ’ s the main reason for applying for elite seeding ! ( still more laughter )
A pre-race pic at Pirates with long-time friend Irvette van Zyl .