They successfully met the criteria of the eti basecodes, however some of the wording within their policies made it viable for them to practice the forbidden policies as they state "they won't knowingly". As a brand I believe they won't go to extreme measures to ensure these policies aren't in use as its cheap, maximising their profits. I believe as a brand primark are working to ethically produce garments due to the previous bad publicity it received. A few
actors. However this show received so much press attention, the brand was merely able to survive. From this primark came up with a new code of conduct consisting of 9 pages, which is extremely extensive compared to other brands. They also use ideals like paper carrier bags to ensure they were meeting environmental needs.
In summary I believe Primark successfully comply with the ETI base codes however I think they need to be less profit driven when choosing their production. They need to make a conscious effort to ensure that the policies are being kept too and their workers are happy.
The seventh ETI Basecode is for no discrimination is to be practiced. Primark say there won't be any discrimination in the hiring, compensation, access to training or promotion of a worker.
The penultimate ETI Basecode is for regular employment to be provided. Primark say to every extent possible work performed must be on the basis of recognised employment relationship established through national law and
Primark also included it will not knowingly use suppliers who violate applicable laws and regulations. I believe Primark need to make it a priority to undertake more knowledge about where their production comes from. Disasters such as Rana Plaza indicate how dangerous these workplaces can be, many people lost their lives all because of the fear of loosing profit. The Rana Plaza disaster happened because of the desperation in not only the owner but the workers on making money. This shows that they aren't receiving enough money for the work they do as they put their lives at risk to earn a day's wages.
"The national law could differentiate depnding on the reigon"
practice. The national law could differentiate depending on the region.
The final ETI Basecode is for no harsh or in humane treatment to be allowed.primark is confident that no physical abuse or discipline shall be permitted.
years ago a documentary was released interviewing some of the workers, these where young vulnerable children claiming to have been taken advantage of, however primark dismissed the program as it was proven that the children where paid