Modele Volume 1 | Page 34


The fourth ETI base code is for child labour not to be induced. Primark states that no recruitment of a person under the age of 18 will have to work at night. This could be perceived in multiple ways as the brand never state if the child could be doing mandatory labour during the day.

The next ETI Base code is that living wages are paid. Primark say that wages and benefits are paid for a standard working week meet or national legal standards. The workers would be briefed on their employment conditions within a legal document. They also ensure that no deductions of pay occur in the event of a disciplinary.

The sixth ETI Basecode is for working hours not to be excessive. Primark state all overtime would be voluntary and working hours, excluding overtime, should not exceed 48 hours per week. They also state that pay of overtime shall be a premium, of 125%. Total hours in a week should not exceed 60 hours, which is equivalent to 8.5 hours daily, however Workers shall be provided with at least 1 day off in every 7 day period or, where allowed by national law, 2 days off in every 14 day period.


The Rana

Plaza Disaster

The first regulation on the ETI base code is for employment to be freely chosen. After reviewing the code of conduct, Primark do comply with this. They say there is no forced or compulsory labour in any form. They also state that workers are free to leave their employer after reasonable notice.

The second ETI Basecode is for the brand to give freedom of association and the right to collective bargain to be respected. Primark say their workers are given the right to join or form trade unions, of their own choosing and to bargain collectively. They also say the employers are to adopt an open attitude towards the trade union activities, to implicate the respect given.

The third ETI Basecode is for the working conditions to be safe and hygienic. Primark do comply with this code as they say the working environment shall be safe and hygienic. Adequate measures will be taken to prevent accidents and injuries . Primark also provide regular and recorded health and safety training, in order for the workers to be vigilant for possible dangers. The company also say access to suitable toilet facilities will be available and accommodation, when provided, will be clean.

affects brands today.

what happened and how it

A tragic incident killing hundreds because of their desperation to get their weeks wages.